
home tour: the kitchen.

I love my kitchen.

See that light?  I love that light.  I didn't care if they took every other fixture out of the house, as long as they left that light.  It's original to the house and the original homeowner told me that she wished she could have taken it with her.  That doorway leads to the pantry area where our washer/dryer is.  And some very randomly placed cabinets.  I'm still trying to figure out the best way to organize those things.

The kitchen has great windows and a ton of natural light.  Don't mind all the dishes drying in the rack... there's only so much cleaning I had in me that day.  Plus, I hate when people's houses look too perfect.  We always have dishes drying in the rack and a few dirty dishes on the counter waiting to be washed, that's life.

There are some more great windows next to this counter.  This is my main prep/baking area.  Take note of the great birthday cards Rich and I get for each other.

We've got a great swinging door that closes off the kitchen when you have guests over and the kitchen is a mess.  But it never gets closed because no matter how dirty your kitchen is, everyone sill congregates there.  That small bit of counter that looks out on to the dining room is our bar area.  Perfect to make people drinks once you get them out of the kitchen and into the dining room.

I didn't photograph them, but we have a double wall oven.  I don't know how I lived without them.  We also have an electric cooktop.  I hate that thing.  I want to accidentally drop my cast iron pan on it so it cracks and we have to replace it with a great gas range (oh and we'll have to put in a gas line too).

There's not much that needs to be done in the kitchen.  The floor is in desperate need of replacement.  It's just not pretty.  It's a white linoleum type, but there's some major staining.  Plus, it's slightly textured and is impossible to keep clean.  But, it's in solid condition - no rips or peeling or anything - so for now, it stays.  

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