
home tour: the office / the reading room.

Ah yes.  The office.  Rich's office.  I avoid this room like the plague.  

I leave this room to Rich's devices.  Mostly because I hate it.  I hate that the previous owners painted the wood paneling.  I hate the shade of blue.  I love that there's a VCT floor, but I hate the colors/pattern.  Yes, that's a lot of hate and that can't be good for a person.  My solution?  Just ignore the room.

We refer to our third bedroom as the reading room.  Since we bought the house, this room has gone through a few changes.  Mostly because we have more space than we need right now.  The room started as a storage room, then transformed into the saddest craft room ever, and is now being resurrected as the reading room. 

There's not much in there - a bookshelf, two chairs, my old nightstand, an old lamp, and that's about it.  The space isn't a priority, but if we come across some great things, we'd love to add to the room.  On my wish list: a better table, a much better lamp, an old pull-down map of the United States, and some great accessories.  Rich really doesn't care about what's in the room... he just wants some footstools to go with the chairs.  

After my failed attempt at having a craft room, I still needed a place to put my supplies.  After a few trips to Target and a few hours of Rich forcing me to go through all my belongings, we ended up with this.  Now, you might be less interested in my organizing and more interested in the color of the closet.  As you might have noticed by now, almost our entire house is covered in wood paneling.  With nothing else to paint, the previous owners got creative with the closets.  Besides this, we've got a hunter green closet and a creamsicle closet.  I figured I would paint the closets right away, but they've grown on me and I think they'll be sticking around for a while.  Well, maybe not the creamsicle one.

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